How To Scrape Etsy: All The Craft Data For Smart Insights

Hannah Benson
June 12, 2021

Table of Contents

Etsy is an online commerce site specializing in crafts, homemade goods, vintage clothing, and furniture. Because of its vast array of goods, the Etsy website is home to lots of useful data for sellers across industries. Web scraping, the automatic extraction of data from a web page, is the best method for collecting Etsy data. When you scrape Etsy, your organization will experience benefits such as finding the perfect price, understanding consumer sentiment and discovering new trends. The Etsy API (Application Programming Interface) can also be incorporated into your organization’s own website and more using Scraping Robot’s API.

What is Etsy Data?

What is Etsy Data?

Etsy data is online data that can be found on Etsy product pages and website such as:

  • Price (and price reductions)
  • Product description
  • Trending products
  • Consumer ratings and reviews
  • Shop information

These data points and more can be extracted from Etsy’s website for data analysis purposes. Analyzing Etsy data helps buyers and sellers alike get a sense of the ideal price points for their own product, understand the thoughts of consumers, and identify trends in the industry before the competition. Therefore, extracting Etsy data is essential to growing as an organization and making data-based decisions.

How to Scrape Etsy Data

How to Scrape Etsy Data

Esty data can be manually extracted from a web page. However, this process takes lots of time, money, and energy. Web scraping is the automatic extraction of data from a web page and therefore a more cost and time-efficient way to pull and collect data from Etsy for further analysis.

Web scraping Etsy


Benefits of Etsy Web Scraping

Benefits of Etsy Web Scraping

Your organization will experience many benefits when you start scraping Etsy product data like finding the perfect price, understanding how customers feel, and staying ahead of new trends in your industry.

Find the perfect price

Since Etsy is home to lots of variety of the same kind of products (similar to other e-commerce sites), it is great for price data and understanding your competition. In order to find a competitive price range that yields a profit, you need to establish a price range for similar products in your industry. If you’re selling custom lampshades on Etsy, then you need to scrape enough competing products to establish a range and find a price that makes you simultaneously competitive and affordable.

In addition to pricing your product, continually scraping Etsy for price data is a smart way to anticipate industry-wide shifts in price (up or down) before the competition notices. By scraping for price data across the industry as a whole, you’ll gather more context for your organization’s own data and get a sense of how you compare to the competition.

Understand consumer sentiment

Pleasing customers is essential to growing your brand. If a customer loves your product, they are likely to tell their friends or mention it on social media. Every Etsy product page has a review section. These reviews include consumer comments, photos, and ratings. Scraping consumer reviews in an easy way to understand how people feel about your products. While you could read all the reviews manually and try to make sense of any patterns, extracting reviews as data makes the patterns easier to see and search for different keywords or phrases.

Once extracted, consumer reviews can be analyzed for feedback related to product design, product function, the shipping process, or the purchasing process. Consumer sentiment data goes beyond understanding how consumers feel about a product, it sheds a light on multiple parts of your organization’s process.

Discover trends

Because lots of the products on Etsy are related to fashion and home design, Etsy is useful for spotting trends. Scraping product info on Etsy related to trending products provides insight into future trends across industries. If you notice a certain print or color palette is becoming popular, then you can incorporate that into your own product to stay on-trend and ahead of the competition.

Trends run deeper than simply making sales, they consist of consumer analysis as well. If more neutral colors are popular there could be many reasons why–such as the popularity of a minimalist aesthetic, cultural influences, etc. Therefore, understanding trends goes beyond just improving a product or making it more appealing to consumers. Trends are also about understanding the changing tastes and attitudes of the culture, especially when it comes to clothes and interior design.

What is the Etsy API?

What is the Etsy API?

An API, or Application Programming Interface, is the bit of code that allows the Etsy website to interact with the software of sellers and customers alike. For example, the Etsy API connects with the seller’s stock data to let you know how quickly the stock is selling.

Etsy SEO

The Etsy SEO (search engine optimization) works to show those who search Etsy’s products the most relevant items based on the keywords in their search. It is important to understand Etsy SEO in order to improve the likelihood of your product being a search result for related keywords.

Scraping search results from the Etsy SEO and then analyzing them helps you to uncover how to make your product more likely to show up in popular searches. Your organization can have an amazing product, but you also need consumers to be able to find you easily.

Scraping Robot API

Scraping Robot’s API makes it easy for you to combine multiple sources of data for analysis. When you scrape Etsy, you’ll extract similar data as you would on other e-commerce sites. Therefore, being able to combine data from multiple e-commerce sites makes your data more accurate overall. Our API makes this easy by making it easy to directly input data into your preferred analysis program.

When you use our API, Scraping Robot’s team is also here to help. With our team’s guidance, you’ll find and analyze tons of relevant data according to your scraping needs without compromising speed, security, or money. If this sounds like the right fit for your organization, check out our API page.



With its unique blend of furniture, fashion, and homemade goods, Etsy is an e-commerce site that is home to lots of useful data. With the help of a web scraping tool, this data can be automatically extracted and analyzed. Analyzing Etsy data helps provide insights related to pricing, consumer sentiment, and industry-wide or cultural trends. By staying ahead of the competition and understanding what consumers want, your organization is sure to thrive in the future when you regularly scrape Etsy for useful data.

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