HTTP Request Tool Guide: AIOHTTP Vs. Requests Vs. HTTPX

Scraping Robot
September 6, 2023

As a developer, you can use HTTP requests to seamlessly integrate data from databases, application programming interfaces, and other online resources into your app. For example, you can use HTTP requests to fetch real-time weather updates for a weather app or access financial market data for a finance app. This empowers your app to deliver more accurate, engaging, and memorable user experiences.

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There are many tools for making HTTP requests, including HTTPX vs. Requests vs. AIOHTTP. Each of these libraries has unique capabilities and features for different use cases. Understanding the differences between HTTPX vs. Requests vs. AIOHTTP will help you use HTTP requests more effectively and efficiently.

What Is an HTTP Request in the Context of HTTPX vs. Requests?

What Is an HTTP Request in the Context of HTTPX vs. Requests?

Before we dive into HTTPX vs. Requests vs. AIOHTTP requests, let’s define HTTP requests. Short for Hypertext Transfer Protocol, HTTP enables communication between clients and servants. Internet communication platforms such as browsers use HTTP requests to fetch information they need to load websites.

Every HTTP request contains several elements, including the following.

HTTP version type

HTTP has several versions. The versions commonly used on the internet are HTTP/1.0, which has fewer functions, and HTTP/1.1, which is a newer protocol with more functions.


Also called a web address, a URL or Uniform Resource Locator is a unique identifier for locating resources on the web. URLs have multiple parts telling a web browser where and how to fetch a resource.

An HTTP method

An HTTP method indicates the action that the HTTP request expects from the server. The two most common HTTP methods are GET and POST.

The function of the HTTP GET message is to request data from a specific resource. Keep in mind that GET requests:

  • Can be cached and bookmarked
  • Remain in the browser history
  • Have length restrictions
  • Should never be used when dealing with sensitive data
  • Are only used to request data, not modify

Meanwhile, POST sends data to a server to update or create a resource. POST requests are:

  • Never cached
  • Don’t remain in the browser history
  • Can’t be bookmarked
  • Have no restrictions on data length

HTTP request headers

HTTP request headers are included in every HTTP request and response. They communicate important information, such as the client’s browser and what data is being requested.

An optional HTTP request body

An HTTP request body contains the “body” of information the request transfers. It includes any data submitted to the web server, such as an email, phone number, username, or any other information entered into a form.

HTTP response

An HTTP response is what web clients receive from a web server in response to an HTTP request. These responses communicate important data based on what was asked for in the HTTP request.

An HTTP response contains the following:

  • HTTP status codes: Three-digit codes indicating whether an HTTP request has been completed.
  • HTTP response headers: These reveal important information, such as the format and language of the data in the response body.
  • An optional HTTP response body: Contains the requested information, such as the HTML data a browser will translate into a webpage.

What Is AIOHTTP and How Does It Compare to HTTPX vs. Requests?

What Is AIOHTTP and How Does It Compare to HTTPX vs. Requests?

AIOHTTP is an HTTP client or server that lets you use asynchronous programming or Python concurrent requests. Asynchronous programming continually delivers updated application data to users, immediately freeing up the executive thread to perform more functions. Many companies use asynchronous programming to build responsive applications that optimize user experience regardless of the screen size or device.

In contrast, synchronous clients send messages to the server and wait for the server to respond before continuing. In other words, when one operation is performed, the other operations are blocked until the first task is completed. Companies often use synchronous programming to create customer-facing shopping apps that require users to go through checkout and payment before completing an order.

AIOHTTP is made for asyncio, a foundation for multiple Python asynchronous frameworks, which provides high-performance web servers and networks, database connections, and more. It provides a suite of high-level application programming interfaces to:

  • Distribute tasks through queues
  • Run Python coroutines (generalized subroutines) concurrently
  • Control subprocesses
  • Send and receive data without using low-level transports, protocols, or callbacks
  • Synchronize concurrent code

AIOHTTP supports standard HTTP methods, redirects, cookies, custom headers, and making asynchronous POST requests. Many developers use AIOHTTP to create HTTP requests in high-concurrency environments due to its efficient resources use and async-first design.

What Are Requests and Python Concurrent Requests in HTTPX vs. Requests vs. AIOHTTP?

What Are Requests and Python Concurrent Requests in HTTPX vs. Requests vs. AIOHTTP?

The Requests library is widely used in Python for sending HTTP requests. It simplifies the process of sending HTTP requests and offers support for a range of HTTP methods, including DELETE, GET, PUT, OPTIONS, HEAD, and PATCH. You can use the ThreadPoolExecutor from Python’s concurrent.futures to make concurrent requests with Python Requests.

Requests boasts many other features, including:

  • Browser-style SSL verification
  • International URLs and domains
  • Connection and Keep-Alive pooling
  • Basic and Digest authentication
  • Elegant Key and Value cookies

Users can also use Requests as a web scraper or web scraping API. Web scraping is when you use an automated tool to extract data from a website. Using the Requests library, you can fetch content from a URL and use the BeautifulSoup library to gather the details you want.

A web scraping API is a communication protocol that lets users access an application or website’s data. Unlike web scrapers, web scraping APIs only give you the data website owners want you to access.

You can use web scraping APIs to manually pull data as needed or on an automated schedule.

What Is HTTPX and How Does It Compare to Requests vs. AIOHTTP?

What Is HTTPX and How Does It Compare to Requests vs. AIOHTTP?

Python HTTPX is a speedy HTTP client for Python 3 that provides synchronous and asynchronous APIs. It gives you all of the standard Requests features plus the following:

  • The ability to make requests directly to ASGI and WSGI applications
  • A broadly requests-compatible API
  • Strict timeouts
  • HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 support
  • Asynchronous and synchronous support
  • 100% test coverage
  • HTTP(S) proxy support
  • .netrc support
  • Streaming downloads
  • Automatic decompression

HTTPX empowers users to run multiple probers through the retryablehttp library and is designed to be fast and reliable with increased threads. Besides finding the HTTP server, HTTPX has many other features, including discovering virtual hosts, finding status codes, and extracting domains from Content Security Policy.

AIOHTTP vs. Requests vs. HTTPX

AIOHTTP vs. Requests vs. HTTPX

HTTPX vs. Requests vs. AIOHTTP are powerful tools for making HTTP requests. However, they each have their advantages and disadvantages. Here’s a comparison between HTTPX vs. Requests vs. AIOHTTP.

AIOHTTP vs. Requests

AIOHTTP and Requests are both widely used HTTP libraries for Python projects. They support authentication, custom headers, cookies, and redirects and are smaller than HTTPX.

However, they have several significant differences:

  • Different programming paradigms: AIOHTTP is best for asynchronous operations, while Requests focuses on synchronous requests.
  • Ease of use: Requests is easier to use for beginners than AIOHTTP. AIOHTTP is especially challenging for those new to asynchronous programming.
  • Automatic JSON decoding: Requests has automatic JSON decoding, while AIOHTTP doesn’t.
  • Use cases: Developers frequently use AIOHTTP for applications that require high responsiveness and concurrency, such as real-time applications, web scraping, and APIs that deal with a high number of simultaneous connections. Requests is best for synchronous HTTP requests and projects that don’t require high concurrency and real-time interactions.

HTTPX vs. Requests

When it comes to HTTPX vs. Requests, both support asynchronous programming, automatic JSON decoding, cookies, redirects, authentication, and custom headers.

Here are the major differences between HTTPX vs. Requests:

  • HTTP/2 support: HTTPX supports the latest HTTP protocol, HTTP/2, while Requests does not.
  • Async compatibility: HTTPX supports sync and async programming, but Requests only support synchronous programming.
  • Size: HTTPX is larger than Requests. Developers should consider this when creating projects where size is a concern.
  • Performance: HTTPX generally performs better than Requests.
  • Syntax: HTTPX syntax is slightly more complex due to Python’s async/await syntax.
  • Community size: HTTPX is gaining momentum, but it hasn’t reached the same level of popularity as Requests. As such, finding tutorials, resources, and extensions may be harder.
  • Use cases: The use cases between HTTPX vs. Requests are quite different. HTTPX supports asynchronous programming, making it ideal for real-time applications such as live data updates and chat platforms. It is also suitable for complex workflows and streaming large files. Requests is better for simple synchronous projects, prototypes, and basic data retrieval and submission.


HTTPX and AIOHTTP support asynchronous programming, cookies, redirects, authentication, and custom headers. Here are the differences between HTTPX vs. AIOHTTP:

  • Scope: HTTPX offers a wider range of features, while AIOHTTP specializes in providing an efficient and simple API primarily for making HTTP requests in asynchronous programs.
  • Async compatibility: HTTPX supports async and sync, but AIOHTTP only supports async.
  • HTTP/2: HTTPX supports the latest HTTP protocol, HTTP/2, but AIOHTTP does not.
  • Performance: AIOHTTP has better performance than HTTPX.
  • Use cases: HTTPX can be used for a broader range of projects, while AIOHTTP is only used for async-only projects.

Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts

The HTTPX vs. Requests vs. AIOHTTP debate boils down to your needs. AIOHTTP and HTTPX are best for real-time applications such as chat platforms and live data updates due to async support. Meanwhile, Requests is ideal for simple synchronous projects, basic data retrieval and submission, and prototyping.

If you use HTTP request tools for web scraping and want a more efficient alternative after breaking down HTTPX vs. Requests vs. AIOHTTP, consider getting Scraping Robot’s web scraper and web scraping API. Our codeless web scraper and web scraping API provide powerful features for a headache-free HTTP request-making experience, such as server management, JavaScript rendering, browser scalability, metadata parsing, and proxy management and rotation.

Sign up with Scraping Robot today to get 5,000 free monthly scrapes for HTTP request-making projects.

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