The Role of HTTPS, SSL, and TLS in Web Scraping: A Beginner’s Guide

Scraping Robot
September 4, 2024

SSL vs HTTPs is a common question. Both promise to create a safer website that is protected from bots and scammers, but the reality is a bit different. Understanding the difference in these two types of communication protocols, or sets of rules, helps you to know not only how to secure your own sites, but also how to utilize web scraping tools to navigate around these protocols to pull up the information and data you need and want.

Table of Contents

What Is SSL vs HTTPS

learn about ssl vs https

The first step is to learn the difference between these two commonly used components. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a type of communication protocol that creates a secure connection between one point and another point, often between two devices or two applications within a network. Prior to sharing any credentials over the internet or other data, website users need to be sure they can trust the party requesting that information. SSL is critical to authenticating the other party, therefore protecting valuable data.

SSL is an older type of technology, and though it is still used in many applications and browsers as a way to secure and encrypt communication, it is not the only option out there. There are some security flaws with it that create opportunities to navigate around this authentication process.

Because of those risks, Transport Layer Security (TLS) was created. It is an updated model of SSL designed to specifically target the vulnerabilities present in SSL. To do this, TLS authenticates and supports encrypted communication channels and tends to be more efficient in the process.

HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is another commonly noted component of online security. It is sometimes called “HTTP Secure” or, in other cases, “HTTPS over SSL.”  The HTTP protocol has long been used as a way to transfer data through the internet. It does that by moving the data in plain text. HTTP is no longer secure. That is because it is very easy for anyone to read it and modify it. HTTPS aims to create a more secure version. To do that, it incorporates encryption into the process of moving data across the internet.

HTTPS provides privacy and security improvements to a website. It works to prevent the untrusted access of information and data points that are being transmitted through a website. It’s main objective is to prevent cybertheft and other cybercrime from injecting malicious code into a website.

Considering the Difference in SSL vs HTTPS

It is critical to understand that SSL certificate vs HTTPS differences. HTTPS is a combination of HTTP and either SSL or TLS. That means it provides encrypted communication and a secure ID for the web server.

SSL is a protocol that enables this type of secure communication. It was first developed in 1994, and as noted, has been updated across the board through TLS to create a better layer of protection. It is possible to use TLS to secure other app-specific protocols, like XMPP, FTP, and SMTP.

Because these are two very important components of security, it helps to have more information about SSL vs HTTPS and when either is necessary and used. Let’s break them down a bit further for more details.

Understanding SSL

what is ssl

SSL is a method for encrypting information that is moving across the internet. It ensures data in transit is not intercepted by other people with a malicious intent. To find out if a website has SSL encryption, look at the top left-hand side of the URL address bar when the URL is in the browser. The SSL certificate provides details about the website including the owner’s name and the issuing authority.

SSL is beneficial on many websites. Specifically, it is necessary for sites that sell products or services online. It is also beneficially used by any website that is gathering information from people. These are the most critical times to have an SSL in place. In situations where it is not there, Google is likely to limit your ability to function as you desire. Some websites that should always have an SSL include the following:

  • Legal related websites
  • Medical data-related websites
  • Websites accepting payment
  • Websites connecting visitors to financial information online
  • Websites that collect any type of personally identifiable information
  • Any situation in which a username and password are being used to access information on the website or provide secure access to data

Note that to rank well in the search engines, it is critical to have an SSL certificate. Websites that do not are less likely to be ranked high in the search engine results pages. The SSL certificate should be kept up to date. Select a trusted provider to obtain one. There are various options for obtaining an SSL certificate, including the hosting provider.

The next consideration is TLS. As noted, TLS is the most modern version of SSL. It operates in the same way but adds a better level of security. Both are considered beneficial and necessary in the same way. HTTPS used SSL as the standard protocol for a long time. However, this has moved to TLS because it is a safer option. TLS is not really that new, as it was originally developed in 1999. There are often new versions being created to enhance security more. Generally, if you are creating a website, you always want the most up-to-date TLS version.

Understanding HTTPS

what is https

Now, let’s dive into what HTTPS for a more thorough SSL vs HTTPS comparison. As noted, HTTPS has long been used – since the dawn of the internet – as a way to move data across the world. It does so in plain text, and that is why HTTP is no longer safe. It is far too easy for someone to capture and maliciously use that data.

All websites should aim to use HTTPS, but any website that requires the user to log in should definitely do so. HTTPS helps increase the security of the data being transferred. When HTTPS is in place, it stops websites from broadcasting information that allows anyone with access to the network to use it.

SSL Proxy vs HTTPS Proxy

Proxies are a very important component to web scraping, the process of capturing data on the web to make informed decisions. There are various types of proxy options out there, including residential proxies, datacenter proxies, and SSL proxies. The term proxy describes a connection method or a type of device that is acting as the proxy.

SSL proxy and HTTPS proxy is a way to denote the type of protocol you are using to connect through the proxy server. An SSL proxy is one that uses the SSL protocol. The HTTPS protocol has been the standard level of security on the web. HTTPS proxy refers to a proxy that uses HTTP protocol over SSL.

What Are the Benefits of an SSL TLS Proxy?

important of proxy for ssl and https

Another important consideration is why you need to use a proxy like this. A proxy using an SSL for HTTP protocol offers several benefits to you. First, it is safer to use, which means that the SSL layer offers encryption between the requester and the target server. This protect information from being accessed including through internet service providers, government organizations, or hackers. Encryption works to minimize risk.

It is also notable that an SSL proxy can provide a high level of privacy to users. Because this proxy is anonymous, your IP address is no longer used. This makes it safer to use and, therefore, keeps your anonymity protected. This means that the website cannot capture as much information as it would otherwise when you make a connection request.


Across the internet, SSL certificates are used less. Instead, they have moved to the latest version of TLS. That means better security. If you are considering HTTPS SSL vs TLS, you certainly want to use TLS for the protection it offers.

If you are using a proxy service, TLS proxy and SSL TLS proxy options are a necessary investment to protect your use and anonymity.

Remember that HTTP is a protocol, or a set of rules for the client-server communication that occur over a network. HTTPS is the practice of using HTTP with the SSL or TLS protocol to enhance security. HTTP is no longer considered safe to use for most applications.

Getting the Help You Need to Navigate SSL vs HTTPS with Web Scraping

conclusion on ssl vs https

For those who are utilizing web scraping to gather data and to build a strong base of information for decision-making, Scraping Robot can offer help. It helps you get around blocks, CAPTCHAs, and proxy management by providing hassle-free scraping resources. Scraping Robot does not require the use of proxies since that is done for you.

In a world where data security continues to increase, including HTTP vs SSL, it is critical to have the tools you need to gather data. Scraping Robot can help you. Contact us now.

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