How to Start Lisp Programming?

Scraping Robot
July 17, 2024

Lisp programming languages are powerful tools that excel at data processing. They make it easy to filter information, extract details, and transform data into a usable format. Lisp programs stand for “List Processor

Table of Contents

Lisp is built around a concept called “lists,” which are like flexible containers for your data. This makes it intuitive for representing and manipulating information. Lisp code can be surprisingly straightforward, with less complex punctuation and symbols compared to some other languages.

Once you grasp the basics, Lisp programs can be used for various tasks beyond data processing, making it a valuable skill to have in your toolkit.

How to Use Lisp Programs in Data Processing

learn lisp programming

Processing data can be tedious and time-consuming. Manually sorting through information, filtering out irrelevant details, and transforming data into a format suitable for analysis can be a real drag. Lisp programs make this easier, saving you from the stress that comes with going over multiple rows and columns.

Here are a few key reasons that make Lisp programs so effective for data processing:

It Has a List-Based Structure

Lisp revolves around the concept of “lists,” which are essentially ordered collections of items. This structure makes it incredibly intuitive to represent and manipulate data. Think of a list as a flexible container that can hold anything from numbers and text to more complex data structures.

It Focuses On Data Manipulation

Lisp provides powerful functions specifically designed for working with data. You can easily filter elements based on certain criteria, extract specific details from within lists, and transform data into different formats.

It is Versatile

While Lisp excels at data processing, it’s not a one-trick pony. The same core concepts can be applied to various programming tasks, making it a valuable skill to have in your developer toolbox.

With the strength listed, Lisp programs can automate repetitive data processing tasks, freeing you up to focus on the real analysis and insights hidden within your data.

Building Blocks of Lisp Programs

creating blocks in lips programming

Lisp programs excel in data processing due to their powerful and flexible design. To get started, let’s focus on two basic building blocks that make Lisp work: syntax and data structures.

Lisp Syntax

Lisp syntax is simple and revolves around parentheses. Instructions are written in a way that is easy to follow and understand. Each operation or function call is enclosed in parentheses, making the structure clear. For example, to add two numbers, you write:


(+ 1 2)


This format makes Lisp code straightforward and readable, even for beginners.

Data Structures

In Lisp, data structures are essential for handling and manipulating data. The most important one is the list. A list in Lisp can hold different types of data, such as numbers, text, or even other lists. This makes lists versatile tools for data processing tasks, such as:


(setq my-list ‘(1 2 3 “hello” (4 5)))


This creates a list containing numbers, a string, and another list.

Understanding these basics of Lisp’s syntax and its primary data structure, the list sets a strong foundation for learning more complex data manipulation functions. By mastering these elements, you can start building effective Lisp programs for various data processing needs.

How to Get Started with Lisp Programs

how to start programming in lisp

Start by selecting a user-friendly Lisp development environment. Popular options include SBCL (Steel Bank Common Lisp), CLISP, and GNU Emacs with SLIME (Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Emacs). These tools are designed to help beginners start with Lisp programming. They offer various features that simplify coding, debugging, and testing your Lisp programs.

After choosing your development environment, follow the installation instructions to set up your workspace. Normally, this involves downloading the software and running the installer on your computer. Detailed setup guides are usually available on the official websites of these tools. For example, installing SBCL involves downloading the appropriate binary for your operating system and following the installation steps provided on the SBCL website.

Writing Your First Lisp Programs

Start with simple programs to understand basic data manipulation using Lisp syntax and structures. For example, to create and manipulate a collection of data, you can write:


(setq my-data ‘(1 2 3 4))

(print my-data)


This code sets up a collection and prints it. You can also perform operations like filtering data:

Here are two ways to achieve the intended functionality (removing odd elements from a list):

Solution 1: Using remove-if


(remove-if (lambda (x) (not (evenp x))) my-data)


  • remove-if takes two arguments: a function and a list.
  • The lambda function (lambda (x) (not (evenp x))) checks if the element x is not even ((not (evenp x))).
  • remove-if removes elements from my-data for which the lambda function returns true (i.e., odd elements).

Solution 2: Using filter


(filter (lambda (x) (evenp x)) my-data)


  • filter takes two arguments: a function and a list.
  • The lambda function (lambda (x) (evenp x)) checks if the element x is even ((evenp x)).
  • filter creates a new list containing only elements from my-data for which the lambda function returns true (i.e.,even elements).

Both solutions achieve the same outcome – removing odd elements from the my-data list. Choose the approach that best suits your coding style and preference. This filters out odd numbers from the collection.

If you want to transform your data by doubling each number:

(mapcar (lambda (x) (if (number? x) (* 2 x) x)) my-data)

This code doubles each element in `my-data`.

Starting with these fundamental examples, you’ll understand how Lisp syntax works and how to manipulate data collections accurately. This foundation will enable you to tackle more complex data processing tasks as you advance in Lisp programming.

Let’s guide you through more examples, explaining how to filter data, extract information, and transform data structures using Lisp. This step-by-step approach will help you build confidence and skills in using Lisp for data processing.

Practical Examples of Lisp for Data Processing

good practice in programming using lisp

Let’s discuss how Lisp programs can be used for real-world data processing tasks that are relevant to beginners.

To Filter Data

A large dataset containing customer information, including names, email addresses, and product purchases, a Lisp program can help you filter this data based on specific requirements. For example, to extract only the names of customers who purchased a particular product.

Here’s a simplified example of a Lisp program that filters a list of customers based on their product purchases:

(define (get-purchasing-customers customer-list product-name)

(cond ((null? customer-list) nil)

((equal? (cadr (car customer-list)) product-name)

(cons (car customer-list)

(get-purchasing-customers (cdr customer-list) product-name)))

(else nil)))

(define customer-data ‘((“Alice” “Widget” “[email protected]”)

(“Bob” “Gizmo” “[email protected]”)

(“Charlie” “Widget” “[email protected]”)

(“David” “Gizmo” “[email protected]”)))

(display (get-purchasing-customers customer-data “Widget”))

This program examines a list of customers (customer-data) and checks if their purchased product (cadr) matches the specified product name (“Widget”). If a match is found, the customer’s name (car) is added to a new list. When run, this program will output:

(“Alice” “Charlie”)

This example demonstrates how Lisp can be used to filter data based on specific specifications, making it a powerful tool for data processing tasks.

To Extract Data

Extraction of specific information from within a data structure is a powerful application of Lisp programs. In continuation with the customer data example, let’s create a list containing only the email addresses of customers who purchased a specific product.

Below is an improved version of the program to find email addresses. This code is a modification of the previous program, specifically designed to extract email addresses.

(define (get-purchasing-emails customer-list product-name)

(cond ((null? customer-list) nil)

((equal? (cadr (car customer-list)) product-name)

(cons (caddr (car customer-list))

(get-purchasing-emails (cdr customer-list) product-name)))

(else nil)))

(define customer-data ‘((“Alice” “Widget” “[email protected]”)

(“Bob” “Gizmo” “[email protected]”)

(“Charlie” “Widget” “[email protected]”)

(“David” “Gizmo” “[email protected]”)))

(display (get-purchasing-emails customer-data “Widget”))

This modification retrieves the email address (caddr) from each customer record that matches the product criteria. When run, this program will output:

(“[email protected]” “[email protected]”)

These basic examples demonstrate the power of Lisp programs for filtering and extracting data. By mastering these fundamental techniques, you can manipulate and transform data structures to suit your specific needs.


conclusion on lisp programming

This beginner-friendly guide has prepared you with the fundamental concepts of Lisp programming and its potential for data processing tasks. With the knowledge of Lisp’s building blocks, exploring practical examples, and continuing your learning journey, you’ll be well on your way to knowing all there is about data and transforming it into valuable insights.

There are also user-friendly data processing tools available that can automate data collection and manipulation without requiring you to write code.

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