How to Scrape Job Posting in 2024

Scraping Robot
August 14, 2024

Data is everything today. When it comes to job data, there is an incredible amount of information out there, especially as it relates to job postings and listings. The number of employers who are hiring, coupled with the numerous websites that now post jobs or career opportunities, followed by the highly specialized careers out there, make it very clear. There is an incredible amount of data to stay up to date on. By web scraping job postings, you can obtain numerous insights and details from those listings, and that can help you formulate a range of different tasks.

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How Can Web Scraping Job Postings Answer Your Questions?

learn job listing web scraping

There are various benefits that come from job board scraping. When you scrape job listings, you can use that data for a wide range of reasons, including these:

  • Job search aggregation: You can use web scraping to provide job search aggregation for those sites with data relevant to your specific needs.
  • Predictive analysis: Use data along with AI for predictive analysis, allowing you to make wise decisions or insightful conclusions from actual data.
  • Job trends: Use the data from job listings to create a better look at job trends that may impact your recruitment or hiring practices.
  • Compare information: Utilize web scraping as a way to gather data on what your competitors are doing and offering.

These are just some of the multitude of benefits that can come from web scraping job postings. Take a closer look at what it takes to scrap job boards and the challenges that come with that process (along with the solutions you need to overcome them.)

What Makes Web Scraping Job Boards Difficult?

how hard job web scraping

To scrape job listings, you need a software tool that can visit a website, collect data, and then report back. The problem is that job boards are some of the most complex websites out there. They are designed to require more input and insight from the user than ever before. That makes it easier for a person looking for a job to filter down exactly what they need. It also makes it much harder for web scraping to take place.

What makes that process hard is that most job boards will use tools to prevent scraping. That includes using CAPTCHA. It includes incorporating dynamic content into the website that requires a person to make decisions to fill out forms, for example. Even as you use a proxy to help you access those sites and minimize the risk of being observed web scraping, there are still numerous limitations that can get in the way of collecting that data.

How to Collect Data and Scrape Jobs

collect job related data

Web scraping job boards takes creating a strategy. That is, you need to choose which method is going to be best for you to use based on the type of data you want to obtain. There are several methods to choose, which we will review here.

Build a Job Scraper

One of the options you have is to build a job scraper. You will need to not only create it but also maintain it over time. It is a costly process but one that may be beneficial if you plan to utilize these tools for high-level projects or have very specific objectives.

Having a web scraper developed and maintained in-house offers a number of benefits. For example, it allows you to create a solution that is specifically designed for the goals you have. It’s very pointed and specific. It also gives you full control over the scraping project’s infrastructure.

Purchase a Job Scraper

The second option is to purchase a tool that is ready-made and ready to work for you. This will help you reduce the cost since you do not have to hire a development team to design and build your job scraper. You also do not have to maintain it as long as the company you purchase from continues to do so. The benefits are clear: it helps reduce the money and time investment needed to develop a new product, and you can scale easily when needed.

However, buying a ready-made product is limiting. It means you do not have as much control and customization as you may need.

How to Build Your Own Infrastructure for Web Scraping Job Listings

how to build your own tool for job scraping

There are a few factors to consider if you make the decision to build your own web scraping jobs tool. If you plan to build your own scraping tool, focus first on these areas.

Learn what is being used

Take a closer look at the job boards you want to scrape. Learn these details about them since that will determine the type of web scraping tool you need to build:

  • What languages are being used?
  • What about APIs?
  • What libraries are being used?
  • What frameworks are in place?

This helps you to save time by ensuring you develop a solution that fits your specific needs.

Test and test with care

The next step is to ensure you have a stable and reliable testing environment. Building a tool for web scraping job postings can present challenges, which can mean you need to find any bugs before you start relying on the data provided. Consider the costs related to this process, too.

Consider data storage

Also important is that you think about data storage. Depending on the scale of your project, you may need a significant amount of storage. This can also impact the type of methods you use (incorporating space savings methods could be helpful if done from the start).

How to Set Up Your Environment for Job Listing Scraping

use your tools for job scraping

Though the details of creating web scraping jobs tools are a bit more comprehensive than what is listed below, you will find this to be exactly what you need to get started if you want to build a tool to scrape jobs.

First, you need to install Python if you do not have it. It can also be beneficial to choose an integrated development environment. Options include Visual Studio Code or PyCharm, but you can choose any you are familiar with using. Then, open your terminal and install the requests library (you can use pip) to do so.

Then, create a new Python file and important the libraries needed (JSON and CSV). The requests library will send HTTP requests to the API. The other libraries, JSON and CSV will process the strapped and parsed data.

Create API Payload

Your next task will be to create a payload dictionary. This is where all of the API scraping and parsing instructions will be placed. Once you do that, you can also incorporate a geolocation as it applies to your search goals.

Depending on the site, you will need to consider the actions that the web scraper needs to be able to utilize. For example, some websites will have a button to click to “load more” listings, which means that to get the next set of listings, a person must click on that button.

Obviously, you want the web scraping tool to do that for you. You can simulate button clicks using a variety of tools. That allows you to build the size file that you need.

Fetching a Resource

You do not have to create selectors for each of the data points you wish to collect and then scrape the HTML file to find exactly what you need. Instead, use your JSON-formatted resource to help you by fetching all of the data at one time. This can make web scraping job postings a bit easier and faster. You can also access more of the data points you need, which can provide you with more in-depth resources. Once you set up the resource fetching, you are ready to move on to the next process.

Send the API the Request

Once you complete the request, you can then create a response object that will send a Post request to the API using the API’s credentials for all of the necessary authentication. This allows for passing the payload as a JSON object.

Parse the Results

From there, you can create an empty jobs list within your project. Then, parse the JSON results so that you only get the specific elements you need. Then, save that to a CSV file for you to use.

How to Scrape Job Postings in 2024 Using Proxies

Web scraping job postings may seem like a complicated process, but you can use proxies to help you with this process. Posting web scraping using proxies helps to mimic a person’s more authentic actions, making it harder for anyone to determine that you are using web scraping.

For job scraping, we strongly recommend the use of data center proxies. This will help you to get the fast speed you need with the stability that is critical for such a large job. The Scraping Robot can help you throughout the entire process. Learn more about the services we can offer to help you with web scraping job postings effortlessly.

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