How To Execute A Curl GET Request In PHP

Scraping Robot
March 27, 2024

A curl GET request in PHP is a powerful and versatile tool for effortlessly retrieving website data. Whether you’re a seasoned programmer or just starting your web adventures, this guide will provide the knowledge you need to utilize curl GET requests effectively.

Table of Contents

Learn everything you need to know about curl and GET requests, as well as how to execute a curl GET Request in PHP, below.

What Is curl?

learn about curl

Client URL, or curl, is a command-line tool for exchanging data between devices and servers via a terminal.

curl comes pre-installed on Windows and macOS devices. You can also download the package from the curl website.

The syntax of a curl command looks like this:

curl [options] [URL]

What Is a GET Request?

A GET request is an HTTP method designed to retrieve information or data from a specific resource on a web server.

A simple example of a GET request in action is when you input a URL in your web browser and hit enter. When you hit enter, you trigger a GET request. The browser makes a GET request to the server and then returns a web page displayed in your browser.

curl Get Request Use Cases

curl’s GET requests can be used in various scenarios, especially when dealing with data retrieval and interacting with web services. Here are some everyday use cases:

  • Downloading Files: curl excels at grabbing files from the web. You can download anything from software updates to documents by specifying the file URL.
  • Testing APIs: Many web services offer APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that allow programmatic access to their data. curl’s GET requests are perfect for sending test queries to APIs and examining the responses. This is useful for developers who are integrating with external services.
  • Web Scraping: curl can also handle straightforward web scraping tasks. You can use curl to retrieve basic website content and then parse it using scripting languages.
  • Monitoring Websites: By scheduling curl commands to fetch specific website elements periodically, you can monitor website functionality or track changes in content.
  • Data Aggregation: If data is available through public APIs or web pages, you can use curl to collect it from various sources and consolidate it into a central location.

What Is PHP?

learn about php

PHP stands for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. It’s a widely used, open-source scripting language specifically designed for web development.

While geared towards web development, you can also use PHP for general-purpose tasks like creating command-line scripts or data analysis.

PHP code runs on the web server before sending the HTML response to the user’s browser. This allows for dynamic content generation and interaction with databases.

How to Execute a curl GET Request in PHP

Here’s a breakdown of how you can carry out a curl GET request in PHP:

Step 1: Initialize curl

Use the curl_init() function to create a new curl resource handle. This handle will be used for all subsequent curl operations.

$ch = curl_init();

Step 2: Set the URL

Use the curl_setopt() function to set the curlOPT_URL option to the target URL from which you want to fetch data.

$url = “”;

curl_setopt($ch, curlOPT_URL, $url);

Step 3: Capture the response

By default, curl directly outputs the response to the browser. To capture the response as a string, set the curlOPT_RETURNTRANSFER option to true.

curl_setopt($ch, curlOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

Step 4: Execute the request

Use the curl_exec() function to execute the curl request and retrieve the response from the server.

$response = curl_exec($ch);

Step 5. Check for a curl GET error

After the request is executed, check for errors. If there are any, use the curl_errno() function to retrieve the error number.

if(curl_errno($ch)) {

echo ‘curl error: ‘ . curl_error($ch);


Step 6. Close the curl resource

After you’ve completed the curl operation, use the curl_close() function to close the curl resource handle and free up resources.

The complete request would look like this:


$ch = curl_init();

$url = “”;

curl_setopt($ch, curlOPT_URL, $url);

curl_setopt($ch, curlOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

$response = curl_exec($ch);

if(curl_errno($ch)) {

echo ‘curl error: ‘ . curl_error($ch);

} else {

// Process the response data (e.g., JSON decode)

$data = json_decode($response, true);

// Use the data here





This code performs a GET request to the specified URL, captures the response as a string, checks for errors, and then shows you how to potentially process the response data.

Remember to replace “” with the actual URL from which you want to fetch data!

How to Use a curl GET Request in PHP for Web Scraping

curl in php for scraping

curl GET requests offer several advantages for web scraping tasks, particularly when it comes to more straightforward scraping scenarios. Here are some specific reasons why they might be a good choice for your project:

  • Simplicity: curl commands are known for being easy to use. Compared to dedicated scraping libraries, a basic GET request with curl has a relatively gentle learning curve.
  • Lightweight: curl is a command-line tool, making it resource-efficient. This can be beneficial if you’re working on a system with limited resources.
  • Versatility: curl supports a wide range of protocols beyond HTTP, like FTP and SFTP. This broadens its applicability beyond web scraping.
  • Integration with Scripting: curl commands can be easily integrated into shell scripts or automation workflows written in languages like Bash or Python. This allows you to automate repetitive scraping tasks.
  • Direct Control: Using curl provides granular control over the request. You can specify headers, user agents, and handle redirects explicitly, offering more customization than some scraping tools.

Here’s an example of code you could use to perform web scraping tasks using curl GET requests in PHP:


// Initialize a curl handle

$ch = curl_init();

// Set the URL to scrape

$url = “”;

curl_setopt($ch, curlOPT_URL, $url);

// Set options for data retrieval

curl_setopt($ch, curlOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); // Capture the response

curl_setopt($ch, curlOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);  // Follow redirects (optional)

// Execute the curl request

$response = curl_exec($ch);

// Check for errors

if (curl_errno($ch)) {

echo ‘Error: ‘ . curl_error($ch);

} else {

// Process the scraped content (response)

// … (your parsing logic here) …


// Close the curl handle



curl GET Request Tips and FAQs

curl using tips

Do you still have questions about using curl GET requests for web scraping or other tasks? Here are some frequently asked questions (with answers) to guide you:

How do you save curl output to file?

There are two main ways to save the output of a curl command to a file:

The first option is redirection (> symbol), which is the most common approach. It involves running your curl command followed by the > symbol and the desired filename.

For example, to save the output from to a file named website.html, you would use:

curl > website.html

Doing this will overwrite any existing file with the same name.

The second option is to use the -o flag. This method offers more control over the output file. It involves including the -o flag followed by the desired filename in your curl command.

For example, to achieve the same result as the previous example, you would use:

curl -o website.html

The -o flag explicitly tells curl where to save the output.

What is the curl -m flag?

The curl -m flag sets a timeout limit.

For example, the command curl -m 10 would tell curl to wait a maximum of 10 seconds for a response from the server at

If no response is received within 10 seconds, curl will terminate the operation and report a PHP curl timeout error.

What is a PHP curl post request?

PHP curl allows you to send data to a server using HTTP POST requests. This option is helpful for submitting PHP curl form data, uploading files, or sending any kind of information to a web application.

What is the curl_getinfo function?

The curl_getinfo function in PHP is used to retrieve information about a recently completed curl transfer. It’s a valuable tool for debugging purposes or to gain insights into the details of the request-response cycle.

What is curl -d php?

The curl -d flag, in combination with PHP, refers to using the curl command-line tool to send data through a POST request.

Final Thoughts: Choose the Right Web Scraping Tool

conclusion on curl using in php

There you go — everything you need to know about executing a curl GET request in PHP. Are you ready to use this approach for web scraping tasks?

If you’re not confident in your coding skills or just want a simpler web scraping solution, a tool like Scraping Robot can make a big difference.

Scraping Robot was built by and for developers and saves you from many of the headaches that come with scraping, including proxy management and rotation, CAPTCHA solving, and server management. Scraping Robot manages all of these factors (and more so you can focus on retrieving valuable data!

Sign up here and try it for free today.

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