How To Load JSON Files From Desktop With JavaScript
It is quite common for developers and others working directly with servers to have a way to fetch and then save data from one source to another. In order to do this, it is necessary to have a uniform format for fetching data on servers. You need a way to obtain access and then read that information in an efficient manner. For example, you may need to have JavaScript load JSON file from the desktop.
JavaScript Object Notation, more commonly known as JSON, is a tool that enables you to fetch data stored on servers and provides easy access to it. There are a number of benefits to using this for your JavaScript read JSON file process – but overall, it is a lightweight data representation format that is easy for most people to read and write.
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If you are creating web applications and need to transmit data to servers and other web applications, you will find this solution – which can also automate the process of parsing and generating JSON efficiently – to be the ideal choice.
In this guide, we will provide you with the information and steps you need to load and read JSON files within JavaScript. If you are looking for the most efficient JavaScript loading JSON file method, this is where you will want to start.
Understanding How to Read JSON File
Before we can offer the steps to JavaScript load JSON file from a desktop, we need to have a good working understanding of how data is represented within JSON. Unlike other solutions, JSON files are represented in pairs (key, value). As a result, the unique key will identify the specific piece of data. This value can be for various types, including arrays, numbers, strings, objects, Booleans, and null.
Take a look at this example so you can see what our product lineup may look like:
“products”: [
“id”: 1,
“name”: “Tablet”,
“price”: 500,
“description”: “A tablet with an HD camera”,
“stock”: 31
“id”: 2,
“name”: “Mobile phone”,
“price”: 799,
“description”: “A smartphone with data”,
“stock”: 21
That’s pretty basic insight, but you can see how the structure of the data applies. Now that you can see a bit of how this works, the next step in the process is to l
Learn how to load JSON data in JavaScript or use JavaScript to read JSON file data.
How to Read JSON Data Using JavaScript
Use the following steps to use JavaScript to load JSON files from the desktop. Specifically, this method will help you load a JSON file in JavaScript using several key tools.
Get Necessary Modules: One of the most commonly used methods for loading JSON files in JavaScript is the Require/Import Modules. This method helps you to import data. In Node.js, the require() function is what typically allows for functionality to read and parse JSON files. Also notable is that the ES6 standard JavaScript users will find that importing JSON files does the same basic thing.
In our example above, we want to capture product details. Let’s say that you have a JSON file that is named products.json. You can use Node.JS to read the JSON file using the following code:
// Node.js
const data = require(‘./products.json’);
Alternatively, if you want to use ES6, you can achieve the same results with this:
// Browser with a module bundler (e.g., Webpack) or modern Node.js
import data from ‘./products.json’ with {type: “json”};
When you read JSON files in Node.JS applications, you will be encouraged to use the require() function to find the products.json data within the directory as the script.
Fetch API to Read JSON File: Another route to take is to use Fetch API. There are a lot of such services available, and we have already broken down how to use Fetch API in a recent guide. Nevertheless, there are a few things you should consider if you are going to use this method for loading JSON files in JavaScript.
Fetch API is a web API. It will fetch resources from the network you are using it on. It will do this with JSON files as well. Once you launch it, it will then return a Promise, which can be resolved to a response object and then used. A promise object will provide the eventual completion of the asynchronous operation and the result. When you use Fetch API, the response to the request is then resolved with a Promise.
To help you see how this may work in your situation, let’s go back to the products.json file that we have been using as an example. To try it out, paste in this sample code into a new JavaScript file:
.then(response => {
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(‘Network response was not ok ‘ + response.statusText);
return response.json();
.then(data => {
.catch(error => {
console.error(‘There has been a problem with your fetch operation:’, error);
function displayProducts(products) {
products.forEach(product => {
console.log(`\x1b[32mProduct:\x1b[0m ${product.game_name}, \x1b[32mIn Stock:\x1b[0m ${product.inStock}`);
Once you do this, the Fetch API method will retrieve the JSON files from the URL you provided. In most situations, this will be successful, and when that is the case, it will parse the data into a JSON string. This is then displayed for you using the displayProducts() method, as noted in our example. When you do this, specific to this project, it will provide you with the name as well as the availability of that product based on the information provided on the URL provided.
Note that errors can occur. If that happens, you will receive a detection notice. It will then be sent to the console. The results will be rather clear in providing you with the information you need with true or false statements.
Use a File Reader API: Another route you can take for JavaScript loading JSON files from a desktop is to use File Reader API. This process will help you learn how to read JSON files using this tool but remember that there are a variety of other options available.
The File Reader API will read the local JSON file that is stored on your desktop. It will read the file’s contents and then extract it asynchronously.
Common Uses of JavaScript Load JSON Files from Desktop
As noted, there are various strategies you can undertake, and any of them could be ideal. From NodeJS reading JSON file to reading a JSON file with an API. But why do it?
Consider the following use cases for JS reading JSON file and why learning how to do this could be critical to your success, depending on what your project is and what your goals are.
Web scraping: This is one of the most common and effective reasons to use this. JSON files are very commonly used to extract structured data from a web page. Using a web scraper, it is possible to capture data that is applicable to your needs and then parse it into JSON formats for data analysis or to create a database later.
Data storage: Another reason to use it is for data storage as well as retrieval of that information. You may simply need to store data for use later, and JSON is a frequently used method for doing that on file systems and databases.
Configuration files: Another reason you may need to use this method is for configuration files within the services and applications you are using. It is common for configuration files to have specific parameters or requirements that will provide specific instructions for how a piece of software will work. The JSON structure, which is very simple and straightforward, makes this a common use for these tools.
There are various other reasons to load JSON file in JavaScript. It can, for example, aid in APIs and data exchanges and may be used for a variety of retrieval processes. When you need to read JSON file node for any reason, make sure you are doing so with a few tips in mind.
Optimization is key. In some situations, especially if you have a very large JSON file, it will be necessary to use a parser like Node.js’s JSONStream to help you. This is one way around some of the more common challenges faced.
Also, note that JSON is not the only tool out there. In some situations, XML will be used for data interchange. Keep in mind that JSON tends to be more concise and less of a difficult-to-use application.
Get the Support You Need at Scraping Robot
There is no doubt that there is a lot of work to do, and learning how to get JavaScript to load JSON file from desktop is not uncommon. Let Scraping Robot API help you with the next step. Without a lot of necessary knowledge or coding skills, you can capture the information you need without a lot of time or struggle to find your files. Learn more about how Scraping Robot API can work to help you with your data.
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